G. Zimmerman, and other Half-Wits of the Right Wing
After the incident in Sanford, Florida, there were numerous searches into the background of the murdered Trayvon Martin, in attempts to find anything at all of a criminal nature that could even remotely be used to justify Zimmerman shooting him, though at the time Martin was not committing any crime at all but was merely noodling along, strolling back to where he was staying in that gated community while packing nothing more than the inevitable cellphone and some tea and "skittles" that he had just bought. But the righties came up with nothing with a usefulness to them that didn't evaporate in about 10 seconds.
Less effort was spent on Zimmerman's background, when it became obvious that his prior existence hadn't been anything that anyone, certainly not his Jewish father or his Peruvian mother, could've been proud of. He had no noticeable vocation or avocation, though I saw somewhere that some years ago he worked for a company that took care of yards and gardens, and he was fired for being too aggressive with the customers. What was that all about?
Otherwise, one looks in vain for any indication that Zimmerman has ever had anything resembling a program, that is, a set of worthwhile goals or interests that serve as consistent themes for a person's existence. Moreover, it should be noticed that very few statements from either his mouth or his keyboard have seen the light of day.
Some who studied the videos that were made of him during his first appearance in court on this matter described him as being "shifty-eyed," which suggests that he has marbles rolling around loose in his head. That was verified when it came time to post that bail and, on the plea of indigence made by the latest of the several lawyers who have taken turns coming to his aid -- the others having meanwhile seen fit to take their wares elsewhere, on the grounds that he couldn't be bothered with staying in touch with them -- his family had to put up the 10 percent of the 150 K that was required before he could leave the jailhouse and go back into unofficial hiding, and Zimmerman neglected to tell his new lawyer that via the weird website he had set up for donations, he had raked in a cool $204,000 (which makes one wonder anew why hatred and bigotry is invariably so lucrative in this land that on one day of each year makes such a big thing of celebrating peace on earth and good will to man.)
Aside from these indications of how mentally challenged this man gives clear signs of being, Zimmerman's numerous defenders and justifiers also cannot be happy with the way that he brought off his murder of Trayvon Martin even if, in their eyes, that was an achievement of real merit. ("One more of those subhumans off the street!" they would have happily mouthed to each other, over their martinis and beers.) But the bad side for them was that he did it in ways that attracted far too many doubts and questions that prevented the killing from being swept under the rug in the usual expeditious manner. The fact that Zimmerman continued to follow the youth after being told by the police not to is damaging, big time, and it will be interesting to see how his lawyers will get around that, in the event of a trial that, in Florida, is sure to result in a sentence, if any, as light as his bail.
This will not be before his attorneys will have to sandbag their way over a host of other high hurdles as well, because their contentions will be based on self-defense and Zimmerman's statement that he was on the ground under Martin and being pummeled by him, though that might actually have been the case, because Zimmerman had a gun. If you have a gun, you feel that you're above having to use your fists, especially if you're weak on wits. And Zimmerman had a gun while Martin had only some tea and the bag of skittles. That bears no end of repeating.
Ironically, however, this will be a defense with which Zimmerman, if he had a full set of wits, could not conceivably be otherwise happy, because it would say that by being on the ground and getting the worst of it, as he claims, he was not nearly as much a man as the considerably less bulky Trayvon Martin.
All indications are that G. Zimmerman's thought processes were too limited to permit him to expect that someone he was stalking would have the effrontery to turn and ask him what he thought he was doing -- a question that Zimmerman would not have been equipped to readily answer, because he wasn't thinking. That is, if Martin did indeed turn or circle around and challenge him. The numerous media accounts of what happened say that while following Martin, Zimmerman lost sight of the youth, and then the next thing he knew Martin was jumping him. That proposition, like most things about this case, doesn't sound right. What? Are Zimmerman's eyes and ears also severely impaired? Well, his eyes do appear to be set a trifle too close together, for what that's worth.
In any case it also appears that he didn't know that the gun he was carrying didn't automatically give him the power over others and the authority that he had expected. Was this because he didn't quickly produce it? But if he had, is it at all likely that Martin would have approached him in any manner? No. Instead we have the dead Martin already testifying himself at the trial, via the cellphone call to his girl friend complete with a photo, in which he is essentially pleading to her or somebody, "Get me outta here!" Though, being a kid, and seeing Zimmerman's eyes, he could also have taken the whole thing as some kind of gag, and thus the self-portrait.
It could very well have been, then, that Zimmerman was trying to answer Martin's question by struggling to get out the gun that he had no business having, there or anywhere else, only to find himself forced to exchange some blows, in the course of which he could easily have discharged the weapon at random, so automatic is it to put one's finger on the trigger when one is handling a gun, especially during altercations.
All in all, carrying a gun into any situation that has a potential for being a whirlwind of happenstance and the unexpected is a recipe for disaster and a sign of a lack of intelligence.
I wonder how many of the above points will be brought up and out in the trial?
All these meanwhile are signs that G. Zimmerman is a dim bulb indeed, and therefore he even drops somewhat below the usually poor credibility for being cast as a hero of the conservatives. Thus you have the embarrassment that he furnishes for the Right Wing.
This is not to say that Zimmerman doesn't have a lot of company on his side of things. In fact it might tax even the capacity of the Internet supercomputers to hold the names along with full reviews of all the misdeeds of all the others who are afflicted with the half-wittedness that is so essential for causing them to be ever on the lookout to desecrate and obliterate everything that is good, charitable, and decent. The two Tulsa killers, the three Texas draggers, Limbaugh, Gingrich, Palin, Bachmann, Cain, Scalia, Thomas, and all the other conservatives on the Supreme Court, Santorum, Walker, Boehner, West, and all the other conservatives in the House of Representatives, Koch, Murdoch, Brewer, Arpaio, Bolton, Ailes and everybody else at the Fox Cable News Network, the Tea Partiers, Joe the Plumber, David Duke, GWBush, Cheney, Rove, Rice, Rubio, Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck,Cantor, Coulter, O'Keefe, Kristol, Lieberman, Imhofe, and all the other conservatives in the U.S. Senate,and countless others -- the list of knowing or unwitting accomplices of Osama Bin Laden goes on and on and on, and now it includes G. Zimmerman, whose exoneration is devoutly desired by the Right Wing even while, because of the obvious condition of his gray matter, they would also prefer to keep him out of sight and out of audible range for as long as it can be managed.