Season of Marching Orders
Whenever the U.S. Presidency changes hands, it’s always
necessary and interesting to note who is getting their marching orders and in
which directions, as well as also seeing who is giving them.
Till now, when it comes to instructing new Presidents,
Israeli premiers have had a monopoly.
But so far it seems to me that not as much as usual has been heard from
the Yahu guy, and instead it’s been the Trump Humper who has been busy issuing
the orders, warnings, and threats left and right, by his words and by his
choices of accomplices to accomplish the dirty work.
Or have either I or the deliberately negligent news media
failed to notice?
Perhaps B. Netanyahu has been too busy trying to figure out
how his efforts in Israel and Palestine might fit in with the new situation in
America, since Israel serves as a model for the state in which the current President-elect
would like to leave the U.S., now that suddenly and unaccountably he is slated
soon to hold the levers of power in his hot, grubby little hands.
However, we should never forget that this business actually goes
much farther back in time though not in place, for it involves the aspirations
of the slave-holding states of America
during that country’s Civil War in the 1860’s.
The state of Israel, often called “America’s 51st state,”
has obviously used as its models the twin entities, first, of the now vanished
“Nationalist Socialist” state that characterized Germany in the mid-20th
century and second, the form that the
losers of the American Civil War would have assumed in the mid-19th century if
they hadn’t been chased out of Richmond, Virginia before they could establish
the entity that they would have called “the Confederate states of America” and which
would have been located in the bottom parts of what is now again uneasily called
“the United States of America.”
It is strange how in such ways Israel has become a paradox like no
other. Yet people treat it much as they
do the Sun, as if to look directly at it would burn out their rods and cones
forever, without realizing that they are already blind. There is no other way to explain the general
failure to recognize that Israel is today the world’s leading example of a
fascist state, albeit a half-assed one and even though its citizens claim to be
the direct descendants of a large and much more distinguished group that was
almost wiped out through the use of mass shootings and gas chambers by one of
several countries that indulged in fascism all at much the same time, in the
mid-20th century. Of those, only the Germans are much remembered and
reviled for having done so, because, being by nature more thorough-going about everything
they undertake than are Italians, the Spanish, and now, we dare to hope, the
Israelis, the Germans carried the whole through to its ultimate end – including
promptly receiving their just desserts of reaping the whirlwinds.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the lot of the Palestinians,
who are suffering in the role that was once tragically borne by Jewish people
in preceding days, and by American slaves imported from Africa and by numerous
tribesmen that were already in the New World, all that is generally available
to us is hope, since in his drive to ethnically clear the West Bank of its
rightful proprietors, Netanyahu has a gigantic patron that he and his cohorts
can always implicitly depend on. This is
especially true since he has set into stone so deeply and permanently his
practice of journeying to see every newly elected U.S. President without fail,
and there to issue to that individual his marching orders, usually in the forms
of backing up all of Israel’s threats to its neighbors, militarily as well as by
voting the right way against U.N. resolutions, and, by the way, also by keeping
those big checks flowing to all those offices in what can now only be sadly
called “the Unholy Land.”
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