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Unpopular Ideas

Ramblings and Digressions from out of left field, and beyond....

Location: Piedmont of Virginia, United States

All human history, and just about everything else as well, consists of a never-ending struggle against ignorance.

Monday, May 04, 2009

"It's all on Obama Now"

Yesterday the L.A. Times ran an article with that theme, saying that this past week a threshold had been crossed whereby all the responsibility for the myriad current issues and problems had suddenly passed from GW Bush to B. Obama, and that from now on all the blame and, I assume, all the credit as well will be Obama's alone..


So would those "sages" on the Pacific Coast use the same line of reasoning if a man should beat his wife almost to death and say that restoring her health and bringing her face back to its original configuration would all  be on the doctors who would be working so hard to accomplish just that and not on the husband at all, three months later?

No wonder that GW Bush, during his illegitimately gained tenure in the Oval Office, could blithely commit all those heinous acts that rightfully earned him the title of the worst U.S. President ever, knowing that only 100 days after he left office he would no longer be held accountable for any of his numerous crimes,  because idiots in the media and elsewhere would be all too eager to heap all the responsibility for righting those wrongs, along with all the blame, too, should he fail to do so, on the shoulders of the new President instead.   And the fact that the new President was fathered by an African would just be icing on the cake.

What was the purpose of the L.A. Times putting out such an article?   You would think that instead they would be trying as best they could to help the new President along in his gargantuan task, instead of treating themselves to  this piece of what they surely think is cogent and timely analysis, though it actually amounts only to being an open threat on the new President, with the unspoken but definite suggestion  that he can no expect no mercy should things work out badly, as they very well could in spite of all his efforts.

It was the inevitable garbage like this that made me uneasy when B. Obama ran for President and even more when he won.  And surely there will be many more of this  kind of subtle but damaging shots, no matter what happens, as there has already been.  The FNN (the Fox Neo-Nazi News or the Fox Nasty News -- take your pick) is probably sore that the LA Times beat them to the punch with this little bit of  "cleverness."

The Times said:  In the span of a single week -- from the day Arlen Specter turned Democratic to the moment Congress passed the White House's budget blueprint and on through the opening of a spot on the Supreme Court -- President Obama crossed a fateful line: From now on, it's his country.


Righting the badly listing ship of state is indeed up to B. Obama ...but it is also even more up to all the other  three hundred and fifteen million or so American citizens as well.  They bear proportionate responsibility along with the infinitely greater means and ability collectively to solve the problems.  We could even say that too much of their weight has collected on the starboard side.  But, to continue with the elephantine theme,  maybe the people at the Times see the body of Americans only as being a huge mass of cattle and sheep all jammed together in a gigantic corral while passively waiting to be led out into the green fields -- or to recoil and trample each other in uncontrollable panic and  terror should a pack of mad pachyderms be unleashed on them instead.


Blogger LeftLeaningLady said...

I would like to be able to explain this to you, but first someone would have to explain it to me. The right wing crazies have still not admitted that Dubya was responsible for anything in this country, but President Obama is suddenly responsible for everything?

9:46 AM  

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