Above, as per LLL's request, is a picture of my newly converted lawnmower cart. It's supposed to be mounted with a box, but I took that off temporarily so that I could use the "cart" to move this big forsythia offshoot to the new hole I dug for it at the right, just forward of the rubber bucket. The distance was only about 15 feet, but the root ball weighed more than I could comfortably lift. One of my greatest fears is having another hernia operation, this time on the left, following the one I had a few years ago. That op went great but I don't want to go through another one. So I try to be extra careful now about lifting things. And besides, it was yet another chance to use my spiffy mower conversion..
Today I intend to make and install another box of a different, size than the one I had on it first, with more capacity and versatility.. Meanwhile that's another advantage. It's easy to switch the container part. That's not practical with a regular garden cart.
Meanwhile, while I'm at it, here is a shot of the same garden area little more than a month ago, when we had that late winter snow. The three pines are joined by a high "trellis" made of cedar poles. An unplanned consequence of this is that whenever the wind blows, all three trees sway together, and the movement of the poles creates some weird sounds.
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