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Unpopular Ideas

Ramblings and Digressions from out of left field, and beyond....

Location: Piedmont of Virginia, United States

All human history, and just about everything else as well, consists of a never-ending struggle against ignorance.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Jon Stewart's Masterly "Birther" Slamdown

After GW Bush had done his worst and was allowed to return to pretzels and riches in Texas, instead of reporting to The Hague in Holland to answer for his egregious war crimes in Iraq, the humorists in the U.S. completely missed the point and felt that, in his leaving, all the damage had been done to themselves instead. So they made a big point of lamenting that they would no longer have him around to satirize, after -- much as they would have loved to have it otherwise -- B. Obama proved to be as far from having originated from a minstrel show as it was possible to be, and they saw that he would not offer nearly enough in the GWBush ways of mumbling, stumbling, and bumbling to provide a good target.

Now it has turned out that they need not have worried. The same side of things that had produced GWBush, and that now is leaving even the smallest pebble unturned in its undying zeal to trash his successor in the Oval Office, is producing an endless stream of men and women who are equally as idiotic as Bush was and are almost overripe for satirizing. They can be seen in special profusion on the Fox Neo-Nazi News, and that has been most evident lately in the "Birther" movement, in which Obama's detractors keep insisting that he hadn't really been born in the U.S. and so is ineligible to hold the office. That is quite an odd contention for them to make, as the man that they tried to elect instead, J. McCain, had been born in Panama, and as another of their Republican heroes, A. Schwartzeneger, had so clearly been a natural-born Austrian that even today, though governor of the state where his former place of employment, Hollywood, is located, Big Arnold still has not quite lost all of his weighty accent.

The other day, the star of Comedy Central, Jon Stewart, put humor to its best uses by skewering a TV pundit named Lou Dobbs so thoroughly that Dobbs, under possible pain of losing his job, had to resort to the lame strategem of saying that he had never supported the Birther stand after all -- though he definitely had -- but instead had been merely reporting on it.

In the bit with which Stewart accomplished his masterly slamdown, the part that really did it was his setting forth of a dodge in which he was referring straight back to the well-known Nigerian "Murphy Game" scam, concerning which many of us at some point have received emails from overseas.

--Wait! (Stewart says midway in his assault on the Birthers, with a look of sudden realization and mock horror) --O my god! ,,,Barack Obama is running the old "Kenyan Prance Birth Announcement Scam!"

Here's how it goes. You want to destroy America from the inside but you can't, because you're a furriner. So, first you have to find a good ol' American willing to reproduce with you. Then you have that child on foreign soil, while simultaneously placing the birth announcement for that child in one of our fringe states' local newspapers -- your Hawaiis, your Alaskas, your Pennsylvanias.

And then you wait....

--Until this child is a middle-aged man.

...Now the trap is set.

You just sit back and let that child go out and win the election for President of the United States.

Now here's where the scam gets tricky.

They can't just win the Popular Vote. He or she must also have a strategy to win the Electoral College Vote. That's what trips up most drifters. But if you pull it off, you and your puppet child can now just sit back and destroy the fabric of the country that you hate so much. It's almost too easy.

--We laugh, but it's a laughable issue. It's the kind of issue that reasonable people dismiss.

(Stewart's inflections and facial expressions added greatly to his delivery, but I don't think anything really beats the written word, and besides, I have no idea how to excerpt from a video to make a video.)


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