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Unpopular Ideas

Ramblings and Digressions from out of left field, and beyond....

Location: Piedmont of Virginia, United States

All human history, and just about everything else as well, consists of a never-ending struggle against ignorance.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Obama's Health

With everything seemingly in place now for Barack Obama to be the Democratic nominee for President, on the heels of extended and repetitive pointing to news items declaring that John McCain, at this moment at least, is physically fit enough to serve as President, Google News is now doing the same sort of thing with Obama.

When they started four days ago, I was all ready to start thinking "Discrimination!" if they didn't similarly keep up that same staccato beat for Obama through at least six days. But maybe they heard my earlier complaints. Regardless, with four days straight of ringing changes on that "news" now under their belts, the machines at Google News have only two more left to keep citing sources assuring us that B. Obama is similarly fit for the job.

But I doubt that many people thought that he wasn't. Even McCain and his fellow GOPpers, whose overreaching to ridiculous extents usually knows no bounds, had not attacked Obama for being healthy. Maybe they will find a way to do that yet, amid the cartloads of dreck that they have been amassing for the really crucial final stages that are slowly revving up.

Update (3 June)
Well, for the last two days nothing more has been said about Obama's health, so that four was all he rated. Charitably, this might be because events threw a distracting bone to the ravenous.

Apparently, while visiting Obama's church in Chicago, a priest said something or another of a controversial nature, and maybe in connection with that or grabbing the opportunity, Obama dropped his longtime membership in that church. But this can be no sort of a victory for the meritorious principle of the separation of church and state. Instead he has to look around for another church to join, because for the usual reasons that defy common sense, all Presidential aspirants are expected to have some sort of link with the Divine.


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