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Unpopular Ideas

Ramblings and Digressions from out of left field, and beyond....

Location: Piedmont of Virginia, United States

All human history, and just about everything else as well, consists of a never-ending struggle against ignorance.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

A Hunch of Red Meat

A while ago the Bush people proposed adding to the U.S. Constitution a provision that would forbid marriage between persons of the same gender, and the Senate is now considering the idea.

I have a hunch that "gay marriage" is merely a lump of red meat thrown in to the civil liberties guard Dobermans to distract them, as in Whoopi Goldberg's 1987 film "Burglar," while the thieves calmly go through the rest of the house rifling it of all its valuables, which in this case consist of more critical matters, like the unprovoked assault on Iraq, the economy, civil liberties themselves, and the environment.

All my ideas about permission to marry can be expressed in just a few words. People of any persuasion should be allowed to marry anyone that they can find that they like and that would marry them.

I would vote against that ban of gay marriage, but I wouldn't go to the barricades to fight it -- first because I'm not a barricades-manner, and secondly because I find the idea of marrying a person of one's own gender difficult to understand. Not particularly distasteful but definitely a puzzler.

I theorize that one reason for this is that, for all their frivolousness, selfishness, spitefulness, and all the other vices that they favor, I place women up on some very high pedestals, where desirability and so forth are concerned. I spent the first 20 years of my life largely in the company of two beautiful and nurturing women, namely my mother and my sister, both of them now sadly deceased, and then there's been my wife. Much more often than men, women have had a salutary hand in every turn of my life. I might even say that my lifelong shyness helped turn them into these wonderful even if unrealistic Holy Grail beings, compared to which men are like rusty, dented garbage pails. Therefore the idea of a man marrying another man instead of a woman is way past my powers of projection, while two women marrying each other is just a waste of two wives.

But if that's what two people want to do, I say more power to them. It's strictly their own business, and no one else has a right to have a veto in the matter. Nothing at all in the universe will collapse -- except a few pretensions of the Bushian kind, inflated by gospel.


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