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Unpopular Ideas

Ramblings and Digressions from out of left field, and beyond....

Location: Piedmont of Virginia, United States

All human history, and just about everything else as well, consists of a never-ending struggle against ignorance.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Gore, Our Prez in Bali

Only the hearts of those who share their guilt can go out to the Bush Administration in relation to two huge setbacks that they've had lately, though, as you would expect, they continue to keep chortling irresponsibly along as if nothing had happened.

The first came when a group of U.S. intelligence agencies issued a report called the N.I.E., in which they said that, contrary to all the war drums that the Administration and its handlers had been beating for a long time, Iran, far from being a big threat, had actually set aside its nuclear weapons program four years ago.

The second just now happened, at the climate change conference being held in Bali in catastrophe-prone Indonesia and attended by countries from all over the world..

The European Union in particular wants to adopt more stringent measures to control the release of gases into the atmosphere that every second are turning the planet into even more of an overheated greenhouse, a truly gruesome place in which to spend even one second, as anyone who has a greenhouse can tell you.

The "official" U.S. representatives at the conference, chosen by the Administration, are resisting these measures, I think because Al Gore is pushing them, so that things have gotten to where, at Bali at least, Gore has become the U.S. President in spirit after all, in regard to pursuing the kind of ideals that the country has always had while too often honoring them only in the breech.

Most of the world's nations go along with the EU, while the U.S. is seen as one of the chief creators of the pollution problem and yet allows its policies to be controlled by tragically short-sighted people whose ideology allows them to look centuries into the past and not one second into the future.

The U.S. prides itself on being the 'World's No. 1 Superpower." You would think that this would put it in a position of leaderhip. But instead, by going along with the backwardness of those who currently control its government, the country as a whole has been reduced to being an international pariah, not even on a par with tiny Tuvalu, with its mere 18,000 people, who can see quite clearly the level of the gigantic Pacific Ocean rising month by month, due to too much of the ice that used to sit on the continent of Antarctica melting into the sea and lifting its level so much that in about 20 years, Tuvalu figures to be just a set of snaggle-toothed atolls visible mostly when the tide is out, and that's just one of the numerous consequences of climate change that will affect all countries.. And instead you have the spectacle of the rest of the world seeing the U.S. as an entity that has swallowed a ball of ferocious prickliness and refuses to cough it back up, despite the state of semi-paralysis that that choking, poisonous obstacle has induced in the nation. Therefore not only the majority of other countries but even subdivisions of the U.S.itself -- states and cities -- are pushing ahead with initiatives of their own. to deal with the very obvious state of worldwide trapped heat.

This situation is so insane that you could half expect the Bushers to go to war against any country that would reduce its energy consumption and control its carbon dioxide emissions. But let's hope that, as short as they seem to be of the power to be embarrassed, at least enough of it remains to cause them not to think seriously of doing such things, much as they would like to, because it's easy to hear these power-crazed dudes thinking, 'What otherwise is being the World's No. 1 Superpower good for?'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what do you think of Obadiah Shoher's arguments against the peace process ( samsonblinded.org/blog/we-need-a-respite-from-peace.htm )?

1:36 PM  

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